
My Shooter Game

The basics (and the difficulty) of sprite animation, as by using Piskel, I was able to draw basic animations.

Problem-solving and time management. Since I had numerous bugs at many stages and a deadline I had to work with, I had to learn how to balance my time while fixing bugs efficiently.

Learned how game programming differs from standard Python programming, as well as how to use Pygame.

Level scaling and UI! Like my favorite games, I wanted to scale the difficulty up as the levels went on. This required a lot of testing, which led to me fixing distracting UI that I implemented earlier.

Key Takeaways

Along with the game itself, I also learned to code a level editor, where each block placed in the editor is linked to a number. Each level then has a csv file with all the numbers on each block. It was super useful to edit when some movements were not large enough to make jumps, for example.

Using Python, I used YouTube to learn how to create the framework of the game. Finding the right sprites and bug testing were some of the hardest parts, but it taught me a lot of the moving parts of game development. For my first project, I was really proud of this one!

My first semester at Babson, I joined a fairly new org called Product, Building, and Jammin'. Everyone chose a project to complete by the end of the semester, and I decided to make a video game.

My Shooter Game

My first semester at Babson, I joined a fairly new org called Product, Building, and Jammin'. Everyone chose a project to complete by the end of the semester, and I decided to make a video game.

Using Python, I used YouTube to learn how to create the framework of the game. Finding the right sprites and bug testing were some of the hardest parts, but it taught me a lot of the moving parts of game development. For my first project, I was really proud of this one!

Along with the game itself, I also learned to code a level editor, where each block placed in the editor is linked to a number. Each level then has a csv file with all the numbers on each block. It was super useful to edit when some movements were not large enough to make jumps, for example.

Key Takeaways

Learned how game programming differs from standard Python programming, as well as how to use Pygame.

The basics (and the difficulty) of sprite animation, as by using Piskel, I was able to draw basic animations.

Problem-solving and time management. Since I had numerous bugs at many stages and a deadline I had to work with, I had to learn how to balance my time while fixing bugs efficiently.

Level scaling and UI! Like my favorite games, I wanted to scale the difficulty up as the levels went on. This required a lot of testing, which led to me fixing distracting UI that I implemented earlier.

My Shooter Game

My first semester at Babson, I joined a fairly new org called Product, Building, and Jammin'. Everyone chose a project to complete by the end of the semester, and I decided to make a video game.

Using Python, I used YouTube to learn how to create the framework of the game. Finding the right sprites and bug testing were some of the hardest parts, but it taught me a lot of the moving parts of game development. For my first project, I was really proud of this one!

Along with the game itself, I also learned to code a level editor, where each block placed in the editor is linked to a number. Each level then has a csv file with all the numbers on each block. It was super useful to edit when some movements were not large enough to make jumps, for example.

Key Takeaways

Learned how game programming differs from standard Python programming, as well as how to use Pygame.

The basics (and the difficulty) of sprite animation, as by using Piskel, I was able to draw basic animations.

Problem-solving and time management. Since I had numerous bugs at many stages and a deadline I had to work with, I had to learn how to balance my time while fixing bugs efficiently.

Level scaling and UI! Like my favorite games, I wanted to scale the difficulty up as the levels went on. This required a lot of testing, which led to me fixing distracting UI that I implemented earlier.






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