

What I’m Doing

I am a rising sophomore at Babson College, where I am studying Business Administration. Additionally, I am pursuing a certificate in Engineering at Olin College. Right now, I’m a Product Manager intern at RealMe In, a real estate tech startup.

I’m from Franklin, New Jersey but am studying in Wellesley, Massachusetts. I'm interested in the product management field, and I love gaming, music, and tech!

Hi! My name is Rishika Chakravorty.

I grew up with old Windows desktops, so they're what inspired this website. Feel free to take a look around!

This Site



Hi! My name is Rishika Chakravorty.

I’m from Franklin, New Jersey but am studying in Wellesley, Massachusetts. I’m interested in the product management field, and I love gaming, music, and tech!

What I’m Doing

I'm a rising sophomore at Babson College, where I'm studying Business Administration.

Additionally, I'm pursuing a certificate in Engineering at Olin College.

I'm currently a Product Manager at Develop For Good, leading a team developing a CMS platform for Friends of MLK, a nonprofit serving underserved communities.

This Site

As an internet lover, I grew up with Windows 95 desktops, so they're what inspired this website. Feel free to take a look around!


About Me




